Thursday, April 23, 2009

First Update on Fat Dan :)

Mom and I went on a hike up Battle Creek Canyon to the waterfall today. It was pretty sweet because the weather was great and it was not hot. We took a picture every time we took a break and I will be posting them soon!

I recently have decided that it is time for me to get fit again (hence the hike) I am pretty overweight and tire of being a Fatty. So my goal is to lose 125 lbs (Woooh didn't realize I was that fat!) and get back to good shape. I set a personal goal of losing 4lbs a week so if you do the math by the end of November 2009 I should reach my goal. Ive decided to eat right and work out every day.

So if your interested in joining and getting healthy or you are already TUFF and healthy fell free to join and support my cause!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I messed up when posting the first two!! I deleted them.. ha ha ha ha!
    Hey Dan! I am so proud of you! It is really tough at first, but once you get in the flow of doing it every day it will be so easy!
    I will post my stuff here too, so we can help eachother and inspire one another to keep going.
    I weighed 201.8 pounds on Jan 11th. Today is April 23rd and I weigh 165.4! I am going to Disney World and so it is going to be a little tough this coming week. But when I get back on the 3rd I plan to work my ass off. (Literally)
    I love you and good job! Your going to feel a 100 times better so fast!
    Love you lots and lots!
    Oh one tip: Fiber one cereal really fills me up. Eat it with a fat free yoplait in the morning. And chew Extra sugar free gum, it will help with the hunger pains and the cravings. Drink a TON of water too!! (Get a Camelback water bottle! I haul that thing every where and you will be amazed at how fast you truly drink the whole thing down!)
    I am SOOOO PROUD of you stan!!
